Tuesday, October 8, 2024

New Fox Run

Thanks to Benji and John for sending pictures of our resident fox!

Encountering a fox can be a surprising experience, but it's usually not dangerous as foxes tend to avoid human interaction. Here are some tips on what to do if you come across a fox:
1. **Stay Calm**
   - Foxes are generally shy and not aggressive towards humans. Stay calm, avoid sudden movements, and don't run, as this could trigger a chase instinct.
2. **Give the Fox Space**
   - Allow the fox to have an escape route. Most likely, the fox will run away when it feels safe to do so.
3. **Don't Approach**
   - Avoid trying to approach or feed the fox. It's important to maintain a respectful distance, especially if the fox seems curious or unafraid.
4. **Make Yourself Appear Larger**
   - If the fox seems too curious or is getting too close, raise your arms, make yourself look larger, and make some noise. This can help scare it away.
5. **Avoid Eye Contact**
   - Direct eye contact may be interpreted as a threat. Look in the general direction of the fox without staring it down.
6. **Keep Pets Away**
   - If you're walking a dog, make sure it's on a leash and pull it close to you. Dogs may provoke or chase the fox.
7. **Don't Turn Your Back**
   - If you need to leave, back away slowly, keeping the fox in sight until you are at a safe distance.
8. **Report Abnormal Behavior**
   - Foxes are generally wary of humans. If a fox is showing signs of aggression or approaching without fear, it could be sick or injured. In this case, report the sighting to local wildlife authorities.
Foxes are fascinating creatures, and most encounters are harmless. By respecting their space, you're likely to have a peaceful and brief experience.

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